Yuri Lisyanski was a Russian Naval Officer and Explorer
Thanks to Yuri the body of water on which the lodge is located on became Lisianski Inlet. The inlet is a steep sided fiord with water as deep as 600' and heavily wooded hillside up to around 2000'. The tallest peak on Chichagof Island rises up quickly from sea level to 3,500' and provides the view from the lodge dinning room.
The property on on which the lodge is built is sknown as "Sunnyside", so called because the men who were hard rock mining for gold across the inlet would come down from the mountain in the evening, look across to the other side of Lisianski inlet and see our beach still covered in the afternoon rays of the setting sun.
In the late 1700's the Russians were in the area and ran a ship aground, as the story goes, they made camp and stayed for several years and it is assumed that the location of their camp was Sunnyside. Very close to the lodge hidden in the trees are mossy mounds which may be Russian graves. Many years ago while digging a garbage pit a large spike was unearthed by Paul Corbin. The spike was 5' down in the earth and may have been from the Russian ship. Gold rimed eyeglasses with blue glass lens and diamond shaped pieces of jade in each corner were also found by Denny Corbin while digging to fill in a coffer dam.
Possible Russian spike found in the ground near Lisianski Inlet Lodge
The lodge was built by Territorial Representative Co-Ho Walker and was raised in a day by the townspeople of Pelican. Co-Ho was a gold miner and commercial fisherman. He eventually sold the property to another gold miner, Joe Ott, who in turn sold it to Gail and Paul Corbin in 1963. Gail and Paul lived there year round, raised their children and made a living commercial fishing. The Corbin's began taking guests at the lodge in 1984 and currently their son Denny, his wife Jana and their three children operate the lodge.