Why Should You Choose Lisianski Inlet Lodge for Fly Fishing in Alaska?
Dreaming about planning an Alaskan fishing vacation? If so, here’s why you should come join us at the Lisianski Lodge!
When it comes to fishing adventures in Alaska, Lisianski Lodge gets the gold star. Passionate fly fishers come in from all over the world to enjoy fishing, relaxation and excitement, and an intimate Alaskan resort.
While we are primarily a saltwater fishing lodge our area of Alaska offers some great fly fishing opportunities. It's always nice to have a variety of fishing options and we enjoy plying to ocean for large king salmon and halibut and then visiting a pristine river for some sightseeing and fishing for salmon and trout.
Lisianski Lodge is the Perfect Remote Alaskan Lodge
A nice Alaskan rainbow trout
Alaska fall time fishing
The enchanting Lisianski Lodge rests just two miles northwest of Pelican, where the town’s motto is literally “closest to the fish”.
Your ideal home away from home, the family-run Lisianski Lodge is just the thing if you’re looking for a remote Alaskan lodge with a hospitable and cozy atmosphere.
Lisianski is also a pet-friendly fishing lodge with kayaks, a fire pit, rope swing, berry patches, and on-demand hot water.
At Lisianski Lodge, you can also fish from the beach out front, and go kayaking or hiking on the nearby trails.
An 8 weight fly rod is advised for fishing silver salmon in the sloughs.
Silver salmon load up in the sloughs from mid-July until late season. Silver and sockeye will school up in little bays waiting for high tides and rain to scoot up to the lakes.
Dolly varden char are in saltwaters in spring and enter the rivers in early July. The first week or two they are in fresh water they are incredibly aggressive and you will have several chasing your fly every cast. Later in summer when the salmon fill the rivers to spawn the dolly varden will be laying in the bottom of the holes feeding on salmon eggs.
There are very few outfitters in our area that offer fly fishing and it is uncommon to encounter any other fishermen in our remote location. Fall time is a great time to be hiking these streams and fly fishing!
Lisianski Lodge is Ideal for Alaskan Fly Fishing
Possibly the most relaxing type of fishing, fly fishing is extremely peaceful and puts you directly inside nature. It’s been proven in studies to clear the mind and calm anxiety. This is why we’re proud to offer some of the best in Alaskan fly fishing.
Our area is well know for it's salmon, which tend to be very fat and sweet. The salmon in our area of Northern Southeast Alaska come from different rivers along the west coast, British Columbia, and Alaska. Our local rivers fill up with silver, sockeye, chum and pink salmon from mid-July in to late October and while we do not have king salmon in our rivers we have them in abundance in saltwater!
We Care About Your Fishing Goals
Have you been on guided fishing trips in Alaska before?
At Lisianski Lodge, you’ll have the ultimate Alaskan fishing guide: Denny Corbin. Denny has been a fishing guide in the Pelican area for over 25 years, and has been fishing his entire life. He’s always more than happy to talk about fishing knowledge and experiences.
Denny’s professional guidance is driven by his desire to see you meet your fishing goals. You having an outstanding time at Lisianski Lodge with us and bringing home boxes of high quality salmon and halibut is what we all want!
Lisianski Lodge Has Everything You Want in an Alaskan Fishing Vacation
With stunning surroundings, committed service, and a homey, rustic, remote environment, Lisianski Lodge is an absolute paradise for fly fishermen.
For more information on fly fishing in Alaska and Alaska fishing trip packages, contact us today!